Ata Marie KTC
So it's a strange time, a lot of confusion about how to manage things and find our way through things. There have been some strict measures put in place by the government for the entertainment industry, and we of course are no exception.
It is prudent for us to play our part with regard to the social nature of our work at KTC. We are not making any drastic calls on future productions at this stage, but we are taking necessary steps to ensure our actors, singers, directors and stage teams are safe.
Therefore, KTC studio will be CLOSED to all classes, rehearsals, meetings and shenanigans for the next two weeks. When we arrive at 3/4/20, times would have changed again, and we will be able to make a further call on the next steps we will take.In the meantime, we are coming up with all sorts of cool stuff because as you know, the most creative times are when you are holed-up with small children and no escape! Keep an eye on our FB page and social in general, as we continue to keep you entertained!
Lots of aroha and kia kaha to you all.
With much love, Janna